Be there if you can, I understand there will be free beer and snacks.
Mick Farren has personal observations on the horror, the horror.
“Click here and make of it what you will.”
(Sent by our pal Iggy)
Puzzled new readers should scroll back for previous episodes of The Adventures Of Marilyn. (Look for the pink type.)
The secret words are Life & Art
They reach for the Versace Machine Gun (figuring, with the inexplicable logic of wealth, it’s a case of use it or lose it.)
We also snidely wonder if the RNC will buy one for Gov. Palin. It would go delightfully with the swag from the $150,000 of campaign funds she's pissed away on clothes and accessories at Neiman Marcus and Saks. Can the Annie Oakley from Alaska live without one?
The secret words are Full and Auto
The following nice note arrived from the Natural Resources Defense Council...
"Dear Mick, We just got life-saving news for the last 375 beluga whales of Alaska's Cook Inlet. The National Marine Fisheries Service has decided to place these imperiled whales -- one of the smallest populations of marine mammals left on the planet -- on the endangered species list. It's a huge win for beluga whales, whose population has plummeted due to the industrialization of Alaska's most populated and fastest-growing waterway. And it's a huge win for the NRDC Action Fund. More than 118,000 online activists like you sent messages to the Bush Administration demanding protection for the whales. Our messages accounted for some two-thirds of all 180,000 comments received! This outpouring of national pressure put the White House on notice that the American people expect swift action to save beluga whales from extinction. But the Bush Administration still dragged its feet. That's why our partner organization, NRDC, and 10 other conservation groups filed suit and put a halt to the administration's delays. The beluga's newly won protection will help scientists deal with the many dangers now facing the whales: oil and gas exploration, increased pollution, and plans for massive new projects that could endanger the whales' survival. We will hold the government's feet to the fire and make sure that habitat protections are put in place under the Endangered Species Act, while there is still time to save the belugas of Cook Inlet."
And sticking with the theme of intoxication, Munz sent over the following story from the London Daily Telegraph that indicates the use of psychedlics was not the invention of Hoffman, Huxley, and definitely not hippies, but dates back to the dawn of time.
“It has long been suspected that humans have an ancient history of drug use, but there has been a lack of proof to support the theory.
Now, however, researchers have found equipment used to prepare hallucinogenic drugs for sniffing, and dated them back to prehistoric South American tribes.
Quetta Kaye, of University College London, and Scott Fitzpatrick, an archeologist from North Carolina State University, made the breakthrough on the Caribbean island of Carriacou.
They found ceramic bowls, as well as tubes for inhaling drug fumes or powders, which appear to have originated in South America between 100BC and 400BC and were then carried 400 miles to the islands.
While the use of such paraphernalia for inhaling drugs is well-known, the age of the bowls has thrown new light on how long humans have been taking drugs.
Scientists believe that the drug being used was cohoba, a hallucinogen made from the beans of a mimosa species. Drugs such as cannabis were not found in the Caribbean then.
Opiates can be obtained from species such as poppies, while fungi, which was widespread, may also have been used.
Archeologists have suggested that humans were extracting mind-expanding drugs from mescal beans and peyote cacti as far back as 5,000 years ago, but have not found direct evidence that this is true.
They consider that drugs were being used to induce spiritual or trance-like states by people who had religious beliefs.”
The secret word is Loaded
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