In which a heavily cloaked undercover assassin attempts to clip Marilyn with extreme prejudice in the orbiting cafeteria. But Marilyn recognizes him as a killer trained in the disciplines of the Magnum Innominandum of the Yellow Sign, most likely detached from the inner cadres of the Amorphous Blight by Order of Nyarlathotep, on a contract kill for the Daemon-Sultan Azathoth 3. Normally such faux-ninja were pinkish things, about five feet tall, with crustaceous bodies, membrane wings, and ellipsoid heads covered with multitudes of short antennae, but this one had been rendered wholly human and, in fact, at first glance, looked a lot like the young Richard Widmark playing Tommy Udo in the 1947 movie Kiss Of Death. (Directed by Henry Hathaway.) Marilyn would have probably made the assassin for what he was when he attempted the first implausible lisp. “You know what I do to squealers? I let 'em have it in the belly, so they can roll around for a long time thinkin' it over.” But Marilyn had the Lovecraft Un-Mask IV, disguised as a Heinz Ketchup bottle, that gave her such early warning of the threat that she was ready for the killer, and even could smile knowingly as she extended her fingers in the Configuration of Yian to create the thwarting and very fatal Tesla/ Yuggoth De Luxe Particle Beam, that would totally dispatch the evil assailant.