The secret word is Duration
Mick Farren has personal observations on the horror, the horror.
“Everything is falling, dear
All rhyme and reason gone
It's just history repeating itself
And, babe, you turn me on
Like an idea
Like an Atom bomb.” – Nick Cave
Most of the time I’m amused by Bill Maher, but he’s onto new kick that he unveiled on his own show and then used again today with Rachel Maddow. “The American people are too stupid to be governed.” Hold up there Bill, isn’t that edging to some Stalinist maxim about how “people are sheep and easily led to the slaughter?” I know a majority of voters have proved their innate pig-ignorance by countenancing eight walking-nightmare years of the George Bush White House miasma, but, like I said yesterday, without some kind of belief the people are somehow worthwhile, there goes the ballgame. Reach for your revolver. Test the cyanide on the dog. Maher needs to realize what we’re talking here is education or the lack of it. How do you recognize that McCain – as he stumbles from senior moment to senior moment – is the new Herbert Hoover in this remake of The Wall Street Crash, and that Obama could be a potential FDR? It’s not easy if you’ve never cracked a history book and don’t have a clue who Hoover and FDR really are. And who taught Americans to distrust intelligence? Or knowledge? How do you make an informed decision when you’re not informed? I really hope We The People will ultimately prove we are merely dumbed down. Not fundamentally dumb. Remember, the rest of us are counting on you. It’s never too late to study. In fact, here’s a first lesson. The picture above is of a breadline in 1929. Without radical change and reform, that’s what 2009 will look like, only in digital color.
The secret word is Condemned
According to Keith Olbermann, Sarah Palin (left) has dropped a total of ten points in Newsweek polls since just last Saturday. I can freely say that I’m delighted. As a closet neo-socialist I need to believe that humanity is basically humane, or – if it’s all Hobbesian tooth and claw – what’s the fucking point? Just two weeks ago, when I posted Palin on the cover of Vogue, my first instinct was to savage the woman. I knew her for the narrow, sarcastic head mistress that she was. But after a first flurry I increasing wanted out. It seemed unseemly to engage such a monster of mediocrity. Should I ignore her? Not even mention her name? Couldn’t a proud citizenry make her for an attention grabbing non-entity on their own? Then, today, the word came from Olbermann that her approval/popularity was dropping was fast as the stock market, and even conservatives were concerned such a creature might one day control nukes. Could it be that the people would restore my faith by finally waking from the idiot’s dream and seeing Gov. Palin as a bogus bumpkin, mendacious and mean, unqualified uninformed and under investigation? I sincerely hope it’s the case.
The secret word is Dangerous
Click here to watch Billy the Busdriver.
Watch the Palin/Clinton Saturday Night Live bit.
CRYPTIQUE -- Polar bears are left handed.
And, by way of a counterpoint, here's an account from Snopes of the sufferings of the Sufragists who won the vote for women in the early 2oth century
The secret word is Struggle
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