Still on the alien space craft, Uncle Bill keeps out of sight while the hairy robot monster gets the neon fix.
Mick Farren has personal observations on the horror, the horror.
I have managed to fuck up the third finger of my left hand. Currently the digit is a gothic sunset of magenta, purple, and black, and sufficiently swollen to make typing difficult. It seems to be recovering, however, and I hope all will be well tomorrow. Mercifully our pal Faux Smoke sent over this item…
“The Texas Department of Transportation isn't laughing at the ghoulish warning that appeared on an Austin traffic sign. Someone altered the digital sign to warn drivers to "run" from the "zombies ahead." "The end is near!!!!!!!!!" the sign exclaimed. "Caution! Zombies ahead!!!" "Run for cold climates," the sign instructed motorists. While some people found it funny, TxDOT says the signs are there to display traffic information. The department is now trying to figure out who hacked into its digital road sign system.”
The secret words are Brain Food.
It’s been a long day and fortunately I have another cover from the amazing Sir magazine to cover my ass, so to speak, because I am bone weary and totally not in the mood to write very much even though the bloody Republicans continue to piss me off. So please grok the fullness of Sir’s absurdity, and we’ll all reconvene later on the merry morrow. But wait. There is more…
And it turns out that one of the marijuana addicts mentioned on the Sir cover is none other than calypso singer Robert Mitchum. (See last Sunday) The Sir story dates back to the time when he was busted for ganga. If you're not familiar with the details, click here.
The secret word is Day-O
John Updike – RIP
Valerie sent us this somewhat disturbing story by artist Mark Vallen. It starts…
“Most well known for his "Obey Giant" street posters, Shepard Fairey has carefully nurtured a reputation as a heroic guerilla street artist waging a one man campaign against the corporate powers-that-be. Infantile posturing aside, Fairey’s art is problematic for another, more troubling reason - that of plagiarism.”
Doc40 isn’t taking sides in all this. God knows we gleefully lift any image that isn’t nailed down, but we figured, since Fairey’s Obama images have made him so damned hot, the tale is worth an airing. Click here.
David "Fathead" Newman -- RIP
In which Marilyn realizes that the Molemen have infiltrated the party. She is not fooled by their ploy of disguising themselves in cheap wigs, striped suits and glasses. She is well aware that, while claiming neutrality, the Molemen rarely visit the surface with anything other than malign intent, and have too much in common with the C.H.U.D.s. To avoid an incident, however, Marilyn agrees to dance with one who claims his name is Truman, but who she recognizes as being, beneath the disguise, the notorious Cavern Master Sllubeelyx of the Great Fissure. Marilyn is tempted to complain about the vice-like grip Truman/Sllubeelyx places on her wrist, but again she opts to keep the peace. Then, while Marilyn is distracted, turning to smile at the French Homosexual, the Moleman makes his move. Will Marilyn turn back in time, before he bites off her hand?
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