The secret word is Comandante
Mick Farren has personal observations on the horror, the horror.
This is a book. Buy it!
In the Renquist Quartet – my four-novel cycle centered around the character Victor Renquist, the debonair, erudite, thousand year-old vampire – I made numerous references to how Renquist, at various times in his long nosferatu existence, hired on with the occult divisions of a number of intelligence agencies, from the sixteenth century creation of Queen Elizabeth I’s spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham to a World War II group formed by Winston Churchill to mess with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis’ Aryan paranormality. All of this came from my own fevered imagination (plus maybe a bit of borrowing from Dennis Wheatley) but now I discover that there are folk out there who make a serious historical case for it all being real. (Except, of course, for the dark eminence of Renquist.) All of which makes me all the more determined to delve into an investigation of morphogenetic fields (see yesterday) or, at least, pseudo- morphogenetic fields.
The secret word is Cryptoid
And while we’re all stroking our egos, Suzy from Bomp forwarded the following from a character called Snogsdog. “It was when I heard Mick Farren /Deviants /Fairies /Kim Fowley, etc [late 70's] when I was around 12 -14 years old that I realized that I wasn't alone on this rock in space anymore...and that's the truth...so I always owe a million thanks especially to Mick for that..."
The secret word is Smug
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