Hey! Here comes the brave new world of cybertaste that will make cookbooks – even like the one above – redundant.
"Have you ever gone to the store and found yourself unable to make a choice? Kraft is working on programmable food; you can buy it at the store, and then decide what color and flavor you want later. Processed-food giant Kraft and a group of research laboratories are working on a colorless, tasteless drink (don't they already have those?) that is full of nano-capsules of flavor and nutrients. Each nano-capsule is two thousand times narrower than a human hair. When you get home, you put it in a specially designed microwave that will activate only those nano-capsules that you want to disgorge their contents into the substrate beverage. The remaining nano-capsules will pass harmlessly through your system. Sounds great, doesn't it? What could possibly go wrong." (Click to find out.)
The secret word is Mmmm!
(You may have noticed I have yet to say a word about the continuing clusterfuck known as the presidential primaries. It’s not that I’m not interested, it’s just that I’m bidding my time, seeing no point in adding to the general asinine cacophony. After the total collapse of opinion polling in New Hampshire and the idiot punditry about whether Hillary’s show of emotion won that round for her, I find myself disgusted with the whole overblown process, which I know doesn’t need my voice right now. But later, watch out!)