In this week’s LA CityBeat, I attempt to explain everything. Click here!
The secret word is Nevermore
Mick Farren has personal observations on the horror, the horror.
I just couldn’t resist posting this. Along with the blurb from the Cinefamily newsletter that follows. (The Cinefamily are reviving this monster next Saturday at the Silent Movie Theatre here in Hollywood.)
"The one-and-only Rudy Ray Moore aka Dolemite aka Petey Wheatstraw drives the cinema train straight off the tracks with Disco Godfather, the world's only kung fu dance party anti-angel- dust comedy. Rudy stars as an ex-cop turned popular DJ/nightclub owner, who grabs the viewer's attention by the kidneys from his first astounding and jiggly purple-suited entrance. When his nephew gets all strung out on PCP, hallucinating something fierce, he dives headfirst into the equally ridiculously garbed underworld to investigate, to almost no positive effect whatsoever. The film is a trademark heady mix of kick-ass distended elements, a blend of serious anti-drug talk, dance, martial arts and Rudy's repetitive catchphrases ("Put A Little Slide In Yo' Glide" and the truly haunting "Put Your Weight On It!"), which moved one anonymous Internet reviewer to write: "This movie was like witnessing the Civil War. It was loud, hard to understand what people were saying, and downright horrifying."
The secret word is Bad
But what better way to follow the paranormal with this truly bizarre clip of an Elvis Presley stadium show in Detroit in 1957? (Sent by BillH)
Or this equally absurd dope story (see yesterday) from Munz.
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