According to legend Elvis Presley acquired himself a video cam just before his death and taped every thing that squirmed, writhed or whimpered. Will this be the next to emerge?
The secret word is Tiretracks
Mick Farren has personal observations on the horror, the horror.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has decided he wants to "send a message" to youngsters that smoking reefer "unacceptable". Previously Cannabis was downgraded to class C drug in the UK which made possession largely a non-arrestable offence. This, however, isn’t good enough for Brown, he claims he’s worried about the "more lethal" (lethal????) use of skunk - a strong form of the drug. Click for the full story. (Thanks Ed.)
The secret word is Dope
It was, of course, a tune by the 1960’s band Tomorrow (for whom the dubious Twink played drums) but, much more important it was a scheme of the Dutch Provos by which white bicycles were left all over the city and were free for anyone to use, and then, having taken to the free ride, to leave for the next person needing no-cost transport. Sadly it was one of those great counter culture ideas that faded with the 1970s – and was also beset by an odd geographic entropy whereby the bicycles seemed to ultimately wind up in the outer suburbs of Amsterdam and have to be rounded up with great trouble and expense, which was hardly the original idea. The idea has, however, been resurrected in a number of European cities, and is proving particularly successful in Paris. Munz has sent a full report.
The secret word is Pedal
Our good friend Yukiko writes…
“Mishima wrote that the truth lies not in the sultry end of a mystic labyrinth sailing up a tropical river, but on a very plain surface of a dry hot rock under the sheer sunlight. The basic idea of the Buddhism is that life is hell after all, so, with the concept we can get along with anything. People live with their own sadness.”
Edward Lorenz, (Father of Chaos Theory) – RIP
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