While waiting with less than eager anticipation for today’s presidential debate, my mind wandered to the not unfamiliar combination of sex and trivia. When the story surfaced how, in Rio de Janeiro, way back in 1957, the young John McCain while had a torrid affair with former beauty queen and dancer Maria Gracinda Teixeira de Jesus, it didn’t mean much beyond peripheral election fluff when it quoted Maria as recalling McCain as "tasty, loving and romantic." Maybe someone in the McCain campaign thought it would make their candidate seem like a real red-blooded American boy, but, being of a perverse mindset, I couldn’t help but think about McCain’s taste in ex-beauty queens, and his general use of women in his career. We all know about how he dumped his first wife for the fabulously wealthy Stepford Cindy, and we have seen how he now parades the inexplicable Palin around, more like some third proxy spouse rather than a genuine running mate, in order to draw curious (and going-on-rabid) crowds. I may be a little crazy, but my only conclusion is that McCain, perhaps subconsciously, is not running for president at all, but for Patriarch of the United States, and the last thing we need, as the American Empire declines and falls, is a another bloody patriarch (Click for the whole tale of Maria.)