"Say hello to my asymmetric friend!"
For the last week, I have been immersed in a big-ass in-depth piece on all the June 6th, 666analia that was going down, and now I’ve been, seen, analyzed and written, I’m feeling a bit fried. I was going to couch-out, but all the talk of asymmetric warfare up on the big, old, slow, coming-up-to-a-thousand message board (over there on the right>>>) moved me to the following observation...
Asymmetric warfare is not a really new term. I think it was spawned in Vietnam. It basically means a modern, wealthy, high tech army with state-of-the-art weapons fighting a ragged-ass poor army with AK47s, RPGs, improvised explosives, plenty of ingenuity and a willingness to die. The peculiar testament of history is that the latter of these two almost always wins in the long run. The Pentagon hates the whole concept and has little clue how to wage it, which is ironic because the original fight that cut America loose from the British Empire was pretty fucking asymmetric.
The secret word is Uprisng
On the Satan front, my opus will posted on Thursday morning all being well. But our pal hipspinster has already blogged an account on one of the events we attended together...