I have always been somewhat ambivalent regarding Halloween and all the nonsense about demons and pumpkins, hell houses, and it being the celebration of Satan. The event seems – to one who looks like that all the year round – to be a very serious case of amateur night on any level you care to chose. It ain’t the Day of the Dead by any manner of means, and no Beltran fires burn. All too often it appears little more than an excuse for the squares to pretend they aren’t. Being raised in England also didn’t help. When I was a kid, October 30th meant being in full anticipatory mode for Guy Fawkes and November 5th -- Bonfire Night – when we got to run riot with legal fireworks and pyromania became an artform. The day found me planning later mayhem, not trolling the streets in a plastic costume begging for Milky Ways.
I used to enjoy Halloween more when I lived in Lower Manhattan, if for no other reason that the costumes on Christopher Street were outrageous in the extreme, and you could see nothing like them this side of Venus. The Boys’ Town parade here in LA just can’t compare, and it also turns the my neighborhood into one vast, cop-controlled parking lot which is damned irritating. My other problem – aside from ever cable channel being jammed with Saw movies that I really dislike – is that Halloween is a so firmly attached to Christianity and candy that it simply cannot qualify as the kind good hearty pagan death-rock Saturnalia for which I would have every sympathy.
But click here anyway for the clip from Zombie Strippers.
I used to enjoy Halloween more when I lived in Lower Manhattan, if for no other reason that the costumes on Christopher Street were outrageous in the extreme, and you could see nothing like them this side of Venus. The Boys’ Town parade here in LA just can’t compare, and it also turns the my neighborhood into one vast, cop-controlled parking lot which is damned irritating. My other problem – aside from ever cable channel being jammed with Saw movies that I really dislike – is that Halloween is a so firmly attached to Christianity and candy that it simply cannot qualify as the kind good hearty pagan death-rock Saturnalia for which I would have every sympathy.
But click here anyway for the clip from Zombie Strippers.
The secret word is Boo!