The more I read, the more the death of the bees is confirmed as a what-the-fuck crisis, and the suspicion level rises to the idea that this is something massive and wholly horrible, a portent from a science fiction scenario that ends apocalyptically badly. Except it's for real. In the following from Triple J sent via Munz, the finger is now pointed at Monstanto or maybe Bayer.
In Germany where they still teach science they published an article about the toxic nature of Monsanto’s Triple Hybrid GM corn and it's effect on bees in '05. Why won't the media here mention that GM corn is the likely cause of the bees disapearing? Could it be that Monsanto is a massive multinational corp with a market capitalization of 30 billion dollars?? Of course insects are seen as pests by most people. Most people who passed Earth Science class in highschool understand that every part of the food chain is important and some, but not most, understand that bees perform a task that vital to our survival. For more…
AND MEANWHILE the dry catfood would appear to be contaminated.
AND IN YET ANOTHER WORLD -- It was a nice Saturday afternoon -- until a bum dropped dead outside the drugstore right in front of my taxi. I found it disturbing that, after it was determined he was dead and cops were called, all the driver and I could do was decide to take Hollywood to Gardener instead of La Brea. I asked myself, "Is that all a man's life is worth, a change of cab route?" And then a voice, somewhere between Sam Elliot (two L's), and Johnny Cash replied "That's right. Mick. Sometimes the bear eats you." (I have already included this story in a personal note to a friend, but it was on my mind, and I felt I had to post it as a change from pics of Iggy and other trivia. My apologies to the recipient.)
The secret word is Wept