Munz sent us this nonsense from The New York Times as an example of what we may well see all over the panting media as marijuana legalization looms closer to inevitable. Multiple last stands to keep the killer weed illegal will be made by the drug enforcement industry, the incarceration industry, the spurious and almost discredited rehab industry, and folks who just like to throw other folks in jail, not to mention the ever adaptable doctors who, after condemning dope for close to a century, couldn’t wait get their beaks wet with $100 marijuana cards when medicinal marijuana became a reality.
“It was as if she woke up one day and decades of her life had disappeared.
Joyce, 52 and a writer in Manhattan, started smoking pot when she was 15, and for years it was a pleasant escape, a calming protective cloud. Then it became an obsession, something she needed to get through the day. She found herself hiding her addiction from her family, friends and co-workers. I would come home from work, close my door, have my bong, my food, my music and my dog, and I wouldn’t see another person until I went to work the next day,” said Joyce, who like most others in this article asked that her full name not be published, because she does not want people to know about her past drug use. “What kind of life is that? I did that for 20 years.”
She tried to stop, but was anxious, irritable, sleepless and lost. At one point, to soothe her cravings, she took morphine that she found at her dying father’s bedside. She almost overdosed. Two years ago, she checked into the Caron Foundation, a treatment center in Wernersville, Pa. Even there, she said, some other addicts — cocaine and heroin users or alcoholics — downplayed her dependence on marijuana.
“The reality is, I was as sick as them,” Joyce said. She now attends Alcoholics Anonymous, which is also open to drug addicts, and recently married.
Smoking pot, she said, “was a slow form of suicide.”
Click here to read more of this ill-informed crapola, and then reflect that the debate is over. The prohibitionists have lost the drug war. Those lying motherfuckers had it their way for some eighty years and couldn’t have made a worse mess. Now fuck off. It’s our turn.
The secret word is Falsehood
Walter Cronkite – RIP