The secret word is Whaaaat?
Mick Farren has personal observations on the horror, the horror.
Two days ago, the subject of movie star Sheree Noth came up, (see last Wednesday’s comments) which, in turn, caused me to happen across this very odd still of Elvis slapping Sheree from the movie The Trouble With Girls. I’ve (mercifully) never seen The Trouble With Girls, so I don’t know the context, but when I saw the pic, I knew I was going to post it. It was such a bizarre (and also changed) punkoid artifact, and that’s the way the demon rolls. I also decided that Doc40 readers were big enough and blasé enough to handle it, but, before I pushed the button, I would agonize for a pointless period about that cultural correctness of so doing. Would this do harm? What fall-out would result if I ran and how I’d feel if I censored myself? In the end, the only answer was “fuck it” and click “post.”
The secret word is Conflict
In which Marilyn learns that motivating an Ent is easier said that done. The Dionysian High Command had decided in its drunken wisdom that the Ent in question was crucial to the assault on the Apollonian fortresses, but no one so much as knew it’s name, let alone how to enlist its aide, because the Ent in question hadn’t spoken in seventy-three years. Marilyn had been dispatched by her handlers to motivate the tree-creature with her goddess wiles, but she had her doubts. Pressing herself with total abandon against the rough, unyielding outer bark, she felt no response, and was at a loss to know if she and the Ent were in any way bio-compatible, even on the most basic and pedestrian level. Then, very slowly, something moved inside the Ent, and, rumbling low, from somewhere deep in its core, came what sounded like a creaking sigh. “Haaarooommm!”
When I saw this poster on “If Charlie Parker…” I had to reproduce it. I must have been about nine years old when I saw Destination Moon, with it’s George Pal special effects and Robert Heinlein story (and a cameo by Woody Woodpecker). It totally convinced me that I had to be an astronaut when I grew up. But did I achieve that goal? That’s a matter of perception. I’m fairly confident I advanced beyond the rank of Space Cadet.
The secret word is Ingnition
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