The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) needs your immediate help to turn back the U.S. Navy's latest assault on whales off the coast of California. Last year, the California Coastal Commission ruled that the Navy must follow common-sense safety measures while using high-intensity sonar off southern California. The Navy refused to comply with those recommendations, even after two subsequent court orders. Now, the Navy is asking the Commission for an even more expansive use of sonar in the area. Tell the Commission to reject the Navy's request, unless it commits to simple safety measures to protect marine life. Getting the Navy to stop injuring and killing marine mammals is a formidable goal, one that could take years to achieve. By making your voice heard, you are helping the NRDC move one step closer toward the day when whales will be safe from dangerous high-powered sonar systems.
To read more and act simply click here.
To read more and act simply click here.
How many time do we have to save these bloody whales?
Yea, it's an outrage when there are banks and insurance companies we should be saving.
If the whales get in serious trouble, we'll just bail them out...
How exactly do you bail a whale?
I hope all you fucking comedians sent off emails to the Coastal Commission.
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