Today is Elvis Presley’s birthday. Had he not committed subconscious suicide by butter and bacon three decades ago, he would have been 73 today. I always celebrate Elvis’ birthday, and constantly wear a mystic Elvis talisman on a cord around my neck, along with a load of other totems including a pentacle, and the key to the Tardis. Why do I tell you all this? Because, despite all my intellectual pretension, curling up in a corner and reading Mikhail Bakunin did not make me the man I am today. Hell no. It really all started with Elvis. He was the one who, with “Heartbreak Hotel”, set me on the rocky road to Gene Vincent, Jack Kerouac, Theodore Sturgeon, Jack Kennedy (and the lone gunman), Bill Burroughs, Bob Dylan, Che Guevara, and a truckload of recreational intoxicants, all long before I groked the fullness of Mikhail B.
And the picture above is deliberate piece of esoteric Elvis obscurism that may only be understood by a Grade A Elvis dementoid. And if anyone would like post a explanatory comment, I would amused and delighted.
The secret words are
Left and
The Building
Captain Marvel Jr. was Elvis Presley's favourite comic book superhero. He even patterned his famous white jumpsuit with short cape on Captain Marvel Jr.'s costume.
As a side note, in the graphic novel "Kingdom Come", an adult Captain Marvel Jr., now styling himself "King Marvel" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:King_marvel-1-.gif), is drawn by artist Alex Ross to resemble Presley.
I guess that makes me the first dementoid with the info. I blame it on being Quebequois. We just dig the King.
Elvis folklore rules, okay?
and so does alex ross.
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