Seems like I’ll be gracing the stage at the LA Knitting Factory tomorrow, performing at a Hawkwind tribute, at the invitation of our pal Tommy Grenas . I’ll be reading Bob Calvert’s Sonic Attack and I hope a good time will be had by all. If you happen to be in Hollywood, the grand finale, of which I’ll be a part, as will master guitarist Andy Colquhoun, should launch at about half past midnight.
The secret word is Space
The secret message is 546970207468652062617274656e6465722e
Good luck with the Sonic Attack recital!
Enjoy the night
Man I wish I could be there
Nice one Mick
Regret I will be unable to attend. Hope it goes well. Any news of Stacia?
Sonic attack!! Used to scare the crap out my more stoned and impressionable friends in the 70's... "bleeding from orifices..."Hope it goes well.
How I wish I was there with you.
"Space is Deep" - isn't it just...
have fun uncle mick.
nice to see you're blogging.
have enjoyed your stuff for 30 years now.
surprised your hair is still
a)there and
thanks for all the good words
with love
science fiction reader #571-3451100004
It will probably take MF a while to recover from this one.
Ah, there you are, Anonymous. It's been a while, thought you'd crawled back under your stone.
Your mother's calling you, she says to shut the fuck up. Too revealing... people might realize what you both have been doing.
Word verification: Ainerat.
Rat indeed.
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