I have a well reasoned rant about Grey Aliens posted on the L.O.W.F.I. website. (That’s League of Western Fortean Intermediatists, to you, pilgrim.) Click here to read it.
Mick Farren has personal observations on the horror, the horror.
I have a well reasoned rant about Grey Aliens posted on the L.O.W.F.I. website. (That’s League of Western Fortean Intermediatists, to you, pilgrim.) Click here to read it.
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"Had our alien explorer received cultural indications that made it assume humanity looked up to and trusted Nordic blondes?"
If the Aliens wanted us to look up to them and trust them they should have gone with either Mamie Van Doren or Bugs Bunny. Turns out they chose Dick Clark.
Mick old bean, thought you might be amused to know that the word in the hallowed halls of '6 is that our abduction-happy space brethren look something like hideous, nightmare versions of the praying mantis, and that the greys are indeed fleshbots to give them a more ape-friendly face.
But look on the plus side. Standard wisdom is that if they wanted to pull a War Of The Worlds on us, we'd all be in juice-tanks by now. So whilst it may be damned hard to work out what they're actually on about, they're not actively hostile for now. Which is an encouraging start.
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