“One of the most dangerous ways homosexuality invades family life is through popular music. Parents should keep careful watch over their children's listening habits.”
This warning is issued on a website called Love God’s Way that has to be seen to be believed. As well as citing Oscar Wilde as a "reformed homosexual", it includes a massive list of bands and artists it considers dangerous representatives of the homosexual conspiracy to corrupt the youth of America, and there, as you read down the list, you discover the name Motorhead. The mind boggles, not only at the idea of Lemmy – pictured above left, on stage with yours truly at London’s old Marquee club – being part of a gay conspiracy, but also that people who believe this nonsense inhabit, and have considerable political influence in, a global superpower with more than enough WMDs to destroy all of humanity.
The secret word is Aghast
Barabaro -- RIP
relax. it's a hoax. a joke. a spoof. (the oscar wilde ref ought to have been a tiny clue.) the videos, the organization, and especially the list.
i mean, do you really think that true inbred haters could come up with something as clever as that "god hates a fag" song?
tons of proof provided upon request.
Just goes to show I'll believe anything at 1.08 in the morning.
There I was saying "Aha, Lemmy's legendary sex life is the perfect cover for his homosexuality. It's all coming clear now." Don't feel naive or anything. I'm not suprised by much of anything hateful I hear.
Everybody knows Lemmy is bestial.
You have to admit, they have an eye for nuance. I mean, they can tell that Marilyn Manson is 'Dark Gay' (it has to be the eye makeup) and Elton John . . . listed twice . . . is 'Really Gay'.
Them are sharp eyes over there.
Actually, I think this might be a goof as well. It's written too informally ("You guys know of a lot more Gay Bands than I do). The true fanatics of that stripe always affect a more educatorial (if that's a word) pose, and they'd never admit anyone could know more about their subject than they do.
Btw, thanks for linking to 'If Charlie Parker . . . '. I consider it a true honor (no ass-kiss implied).
Hey, Tom, you had me at the Harold Lloyd shot of Marilyn.
Must be a lark if they're saying thr Dresden Dolls are a "safe" band.
i mean what's gayer than men wearing make-up?
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