Wednesday, November 04, 2009


I keep wondering if this image is Photoshopped or real. I suspect the former. I mean, I know the woman’s a dangerous ditz, but could she really be that stupid? (Comments in two words or less.)

And on the subject of Klondike Barbie…
“Yeah, I'm disappointed, too. I thought we were sweeping into power; I thought change meant Change. I believed all that talk about another First 100 Days, a la Roosevelt. Well, that didn't happen. .. That said, I do not forget that if the election had gone the other way, we'd right now have a barter economy and be at war with Honduras.” – Bill Maher


Pepsi said...


Diamond Jim said...

Oh yes.

Ernie said...

She that stupid. (Oh, but that's three words.)

Dick Headley said...

The wolf skin looks real to me. Not sure about Palin.

jnanagarbha said...

I don't think it's photoshopped - the hair /fur boundary is too tricky to do that well