Saturday, May 23, 2009


Ummm…Gore Police? Is this Renquist territory or what? Tokyo seemed okay the last time I looked.

(That’s the Tokyo Tower in the background on the left. I once played a very prestigeous rock & roll gig there.)


Lefty said...

Or maybe she rules.

stu said...

what was the gig?

Löst Jimmy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mick said...

The show was on a TV sound and called Tokyo Hipsters Club. (THC geddit?)

roldo said...

Japan! I hear they have so many people dying of over-work that they had to create a name for the syndrome. Still, any culture that can develop the Koto, the Shakuhachi, and the incredible Biwa must have something going for it. They're said to love Jug Bands there - maybe I can get a gig.
vw is "ingetshi" hmmmm

Löst Jimmy said...

I have had to rewrite this earlier comment on account of my lack of accuracy due to being half awake...

Gore Police!?
A very bizarre world indeed, I've seen it and I'd say it goes beyond what was ever possible in the likes of Videodrome...I'm not sure that I want to return.
Long Live The Flesh!

As for your Japan gigs Mick...
I've just picked up a copy of To the Masterlock Live in Japan 2004 and must say Top Notch!!

Mick said...

The earlier post should read..."The show was on a TV sound stage and called Tokyo Hipsters Club. (THC geddit?)" I think it was a year or so after the Masterlock tour.