Monday, April 20, 2009


As cynics surmised, it did take me a couple of days to get over Friday night’s Hawkwind tribute. At events of that kind, I do rather feel obliged to address the alcohol and other stimulants with some rigor, if only to show the young people how it’s done. Then, just complicate matters, a 95F heat wave dropped on the city out of nowhere, leaving my brain limp and unusable, and my liver feeling like it attacked Akabar by land, plus generally demonstrating that I am not made of sterner stuff. Doubtless I will write more as it cools off.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mick,

Where can I buy your Victor Renquest novels?

stu said...

Remember kids,drugs aren`t the answer,they`re the question.
Incidentally,when is the follow up to conflagration due? ace a mundo!!

Löst Jimmy said...

Rid of that Hangover yet Mick?
It's now Thursday


Jheeni said...

Whangover-hangover over Mick? Need your post so badly;)Ghoshie

Mick said...

This is the first Renquist novel at one place to buy it --