This is “Lady Luck” by the artist Kirtsen Easthope. (Sent by Valerie – and more of Ms Easthope’s work can be seen by clicking.) I post it not only to cover the fact that it’s been a long day and waxing too profound tonight seems too much like hard work, but also because I fear we’re going to need all the luck we can get in the next couple of months to get through the tedium of the Olympics, the party conventions, the deepening recession, and the bloody election, all without this country becoming an oil cartel police state. I need to get a bet down. Obama don’t fail us now.
CRYTIQUE – John McCain kicks dogs.
John McCain takes Ibogaine!
John McCain drowns kittens.
McCain is a senile, buck-toothed old mummy. He has skinny 'girl' arms and smells like an elephant's butt.
Thank you Homer Simpson.
John McCain shoots water rats.
Bill Hicks performs to deaf audience:
But does he feed then to his geese?
That should be "them". (Oh the shame!)
John McCain is quite insane. (And spells as badly as anonymous.)
I can spell. It's typing that's my problem.
John McCain can't fly straight.
John McCain has all the wit of an ill-bred mule & the lineage to match... I've got no doubt that the son of a bitch has less personality than a decomposing pile of regurgitated placenta.
I'm Faux_Smoke & I approve this message...
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