"Although in this picture I look more like Buddy Holly."
Rachel Maddow – liberal commentator and Air America host, adored by Doc40 -- now has her own show on MSNBC in the 9.00PM Eastern/6.00PM Pacific slot following Keith Olbermann and Countdown, starting on Monday Sept. 8, and, with it, she breaks into what had been criticized as the MSNBC “boys club” led by Olbermann and Chris Matthews. Maddow, who has that media lesbian, Elvis look, lives with her girlfriend Susan Mikula in Manhattan and Northampton, Mass, may also be the first openly gay woman to host a prime-time TV news show. (And I wish I lived in Manhattan and Northampton, Mass.)
I've never heard of this woman/person.
Jeez, and I hate PETA and think affirmative action is moronic. Does that mean I'm not a REAL liberal?
No, just a regular Morlock.
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