The following email arrived from our pal Iggy who is clearly less than happy about the State of the Nation. I’m keeping my peace and will wait for you guys to comment. (The Doc40 post to which Ig refers is for last Saturday – July 26th.)
"Ah, the coffins... they're on Doc40 with a link to Alex Jones... they, Sir, are pure evil, manifested in the banality of dark gray plastic. Discovered years ago but just coming into popularity now, along with the Gunnerson Steel shackle-equipped railcars, destined for folks like me, we think. Red list, blue list... you know... the company that makes 'em is a legit maker of such things and other funerary goods, but these are FEMA owned and number in the hundreds of thousands. There are other sites like the one in the vid, which is out there all over the place in different lengths... along with a smattering of others by different folk, one of which I've located on Google Earth. Just as big. Jeezus.Basically, the prevailing theory is that, in addition to the population reduction that's part of the 'big picture' as envisioned by Kissinger, Brezinski, et al, that their next false flag operation will be much bigger than 911, and will signal national martial law, with the REX84 detention plans coming alive... (been scaring the bejeezus out of myself for the last couple weeks seeking them out... there's lots)... So, a couple of weeks before the s hits the f, they're to round up baddies like me (I so hope it's false as my dream of the future will be deftly dashed)... us Red guys will be offed and put in these things to be conveyor belted into a crematory doorway after a neatly stacked train ride out... after experiencing the exciting shackle-train ride in. Blue guys (less bad) get slave labor duties starting two weeks after the flinging of freedom out the window... being told there's some sort of thing or happening that requires their, uhum, relocation... I saw photos of the cars... which were almost immediately taken down... sigh. A bit far-fetched for the mainstream, but I look at these things pretty intensely and it just scares me. A lot. I just don't see any good explanation for them otherwise... and REX84 and similar things are quite real, along with a list of executive orders removing any feeble hint of freedom seemingly at their whim.So that's the nutshell... be glad to go into more if you'd like of course... Be well, Mick, Ig"
The secret word is Fear
Are we back with the fear of New World Order and the FEMA Camps. I thought that all went away after Katrina when we discovered that FEMA couldn't set up a camp in the wet ruins of New Orleans. (Nice job, Brownie.)
Are we wondering if the Black Helicopters will make a comeback?
Iggy - Can I have your record collection?
You're not alone. I've not only seen the photos of the cars, I've seen the cars -- on a railway line up in the Pacific Northwest.
Fuck that, seriously, I'll go sell enough blow to get a load of weapons & start the revolution... I'm too close to Canada for the government to Auschwitz me & if they start doing this further up north, I'll crawl down into the sewer systems & start work on ruining the infrastructures of society one step at a time.
Canada's in on it.
In any case, Iggy's email had me thinking about this thing all morning. Been following the same stuff for years and it's real and it's nasty and sometimes gets me seriously creeped-out, but for some reason I haven't entirely lost hope. I think it comes down to the fact that even tho' these assholes have the means, have the money, have the motive, have the power they are such bankrupt shits in all the ways that count that I have to believe there's more than enough power to foil them in good old normal human beings with heart and soul .... exactly what you've just demonstrated and what I was serendipitously reminded of in a email a friend just sent of a lion on Youtube.
This lion reunion has been making the rounds. I first saw it a year ago. I cried then and I cried today (even with the newly added soundtrack... you might want to mute it) and I swear if it keeps getting watched this lion is gonna single-handedly save the whole fucking planet, because he opens hearts. And that's what it's gonna take. Love. Corny but true. Only one thing is bigger than all the evil we're talking about here, and it's love.
Laugh if you want, but don't do it 'til you watch this video. Is there anything more powerful? Or simpler? People with open hearts, and there's millions of us, will not let these soulless bastards get their way.
The commentary is great so far. When Mick asked me if I'd be ok with him posting my reply to his question, I said I thought it'd cause a ruckus :)
Faux, sadly kass is right about Canada, fortunately though the rest of the post is right on... I think, I hope, that "we the people," when it really happens, will rise to the cause out of sheer outrage and love for their fellow citizens and ideals. We're gonna need a lot of dudes like you out there "in the wild," so to speak. [Remember, aim for the head, they've got armor :)]
Anyway... lefty, FEMA's not about that anymore, they're now apparently the main backup paramilitary force to control the populace... a dude I know was a long-time NOLA resident until just after Katrina, so I have heard it first hand about some of what went down there... about not allowing most residents over a bridge, at gunpoint, while allowing a few who met their specs, as it were. No, it wasn't about helping refugees survive, but more about confiscating weapons and property and getting rid of those considered undesirable. Cleansing, they call it. FEMA's a lot better at their real mission than helping people out of a jam.
BTW, anon, dude, the copters haven't gone anywhere... jeez they even park em at the Indy 500. Perhaps they like sport.
mike, lol, my records? ...might be a tad bit too eclectically weird of a mix for ya, probably give em to my honey or something... but, yeah, I'll keep ya in mind...
Hey, that lion movie was just great... really... I think it's true that all things are sentient... well, higher lifeforms at least, anyway, and it now seems pretty well confirmed that cats are capable of love, eh? Awesome.
Yeah... mike... poor Gary. Bastards. I don't think the UK is gonna help him, unfortunately. Not these days.
Oh yeah, kass, you lucky devil, did ya get any pics? Are they still there? Damn, I wish I could afford to go scope em out... need maybe ten more gigs... hmmm...
hope more folks post...
We seem to be back to "on your feet or on your knees." Or, to quote The Clash "With your hands on your head or the trigger of your gun."
I guess the only answer is not to go if they try to take us. All they can do is kill us and they can do that anyway.
Aren't we all going to feel a little foolish when we're all still here in September?
Diamond Jim,
Why September? This goes beyond the twin parties. Clinton did his part. Do you think FEMA and Heimat Security are gonna quietly go home when Obama gets in?
Iggy -- I didn't feel lucky. It was creepy seeing real cars that matched the photos. Didn't have a camera, it was completely unexpected. This was maybe three years ago, near Bellingham. They weren't hidden. Don't know if they're still there.
Sorry, this window's been open so long... jeez... it's always something...
Kass, I was being a bit over enthusiastic I guess... and I would no doubt've been creeped out, too.
I no longer believe in any difference between the parties whatsoever... they're just rebranded, like a Ford and a Mercury.
The timeframe's up to them, Jim, although whenever it is it's already planned... just before the elections, maybe? They could even cancel said elections... shivers!
And I really, really do hope that it's all just an illusion... can't bring myself there yet, though, but let the Cosmos prove you right... please!
Seems so Mick, and Lefty... but it would be just wrong to meekly obey... if we're here... we should at least try to set it right as best we can.
Triskaidekaphobia makes me unable to abide a 13th comment.
Oh dear... note, though, that this state has passed into the past.
Surely you would not abide the reverse.
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