It’s only Sunday morning and Valerie has sent the above and the suggestion that Marilyn was not in fact murdered, but abducted by a retro-UFO (from other worlds, of course) and is, in fact, pictured here – the top figure on the right. What more proof is needed, I ask myself? Of course, Marilyn was still alive when the magazine was published, but time's only relative, right?
Meanwhile, munz emails a link with the message, “thought you might dig these '60s grindhouse cheesecake trailers.”
The secret words are Back To Bed
The secret words are Back To Bed
and this probably brings new extraterrestrial light to the JFK assassination. The Magic Bullet makes a whole lot more sense when you think in a UFO context.
dang, the Warren Commission was right.
Every thing makes sense in an extraterrestrial light.
I hate this cryogenic sleep shit, I wake up and too much has happened and I can't fucking keep up....
Go to sleep in 2007 and I seemed to have woken up in 1968 according to the BBC which is celebrating the revolution of that glorious year with a load of old B list celebs who were there ( I thought if you were there, you couldn't remember it....personally I was studying the mechanics of bra straps behind the bikesheds in 1968).
Well it seems the media (who are mostly these guys anyway) have started refering to themselves as 'sixtyeighters' which I think is the same as a sixtyniner with one less person....anyway, why am I talking this crap..oh yeah.. as I was out of hibernation, I put on me wellies and made my way up country (down country, cross country...) to the Hay on Wye Literary Festival to see some of the worlds greatest authors and Rushdie struttin their stuff (where were yer Mick?). Anyway one one of the days there is a debate regarding the "REVOLUTION" of 1968 with a load of quite forgetable people talking about how they were there and how the younger generation should be grateful to them cos if it hadn't been for them shagging in the shrubbery in Grosvenor square we would now be living under the imperial jackboot of corporate excess....anyway one of these luminaries was your old mate Hitchens who to put it politely has gathered a few kilos over the years, but was explaining how he single handedly won the revoultion. What really got me though was that during the introduction the MC spoke about the 'Monumental events of 68 and quoting Thunderclap Newman said 'we gotta get together sooner or later cos the revolutions here'...at which point Hitchens pompously interrupts with 'I think you will find that was actually Buffalo Springfield! How the fuck can you have been around then and get that so fucking wrong.....
To quote an unknown source 'If this is the revolution why are the drinks so fucking expensive?'
Nice to know you're still out there Billy...
I second that emmotion. Plus I'm also wondering where am I very frquently these days.
So much so that I can't spell emotion.
Bo Diddley just cruised outta the picture, space left.
Where else do you think the girls are heading?
You're funny, Billy. The same's going on here (California). Last weekend I had to put up with an LA Times Op Ed piece by Meghan Daum, a person I revile as much as you can a soft-news columnist you've never met, explaining how much she hated Baby Boomers and all we talked about was ourselves and our revolution and hinting how we should all just *die* already. (In fact the headline was something like "Why don't you all f-fade away", though in fairness that might have been the editor's idea.) I just dismissed it on the grounds that if it's taken her *this* long to start rebelling against her parents she should look for a problem in her ownself, not blame said parental units. Anyway, this week there were several letters about her column. One said, "Meghan, if not for us and our revolution, you'd all be living under the fascist jackboot of Big Brother and the bloated corporations. We fought and died for you, lady! Get off my lawn!" (Approximately.) The other letter said, "Meghan, actually we hate ourselves because we tried for revolution and failed. S'terrible. But at least we tried. Now you live under the Chinese-slave-labor heeled jackboot of the Man."
They should get together and compare notes.
On another note, I wonder if ol' Thunderclap was being Britishly sarcastic. Either that or he was a late bandwagon-jumper. The Buffalo Springfield hit was 66, right? And Something in the Air was 69.
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