This is a book. Buy it!
In the Renquist Quartet – my four-novel cycle centered around the character Victor Renquist, the debonair, erudite, thousand year-old vampire – I made numerous references to how Renquist, at various times in his long nosferatu existence, hired on with the occult divisions of a number of intelligence agencies, from the sixteenth century creation of Queen Elizabeth I’s spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham to a World War II group formed by Winston Churchill to mess with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis’ Aryan paranormality. All of this came from my own fevered imagination (plus maybe a bit of borrowing from Dennis Wheatley) but now I discover that there are folk out there who make a serious historical case for it all being real. (Except, of course, for the dark eminence of Renquist.) All of which makes me all the more determined to delve into an investigation of morphogenetic fields (see yesterday) or, at least, pseudo- morphogenetic fields.
The secret word is Cryptoid
Thank you so much for the extra traffic.
“The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.”
The Apostle Paul
1 Corinthians 2:14
Lefty, with one word you just proved the Scripture reference above.
However, I am sure there is a much greater possibility that you are only being sarcastic. If you are not, then your comment truly is the saddest I have seen today.
Oh, and again...thank you for the extra traffic.
"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."
The Apostle Peter
Acts 4:12
To see the whole site vist
Thanks again
Is "the Unstained" one of Mick's alternate personalities, or just some random asshole using his site to be cryptic?
The Unstained are wholly real. The link is to their website. Or they might just be a weirdo who stole a Gideon bible from a Jim Thompson cheap motel. Rmemeber what your Uncle Bill Burroughs said -- "All metaphysics are a racket."
Or was that me?
What we occultists really want to know is what the hidden meaning is of the lyric "eating jello with a heated fork"...I suspect it's a freekin' conspiracy...
Gravity is proved
The jello never moved
Go figure.
A bit of a late comment, though... how about you hurry up & turn that series into something more than a quartet?
Been waiting since around '02... that & on a side note, you should totally mess with your wikipedia page if you don't already, I would if I had one.
I would love to do another Renquist book. The stumbling block is finding a publisher willing to promote it after Tor did their best to bury the first four.
I never touch my Wikipedia pages. Seems somehow unethical.
When I spoke of messing with your wikipedia page, I meant something more akin to dropping a ytmnd or maybe Rick Roll it or something along those sort of lines, nothing say, unethical so much as humorous.
& likewise, while it's a disappointment to read that [had no idea], I still look forward to a new installment in the series.
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