It seems like I’ve been staring at this computer since at least the pre-Cambrian period – or perhaps last Tuesday – but even though nuke-packing Pakistan seems to be in the throws some military coupe in drag and Ms. Bhutto may well be assassinated and India will go to it’s Hindu version of DEFCON 1 and the Citigroup CEO just quit after losing billions, and what’s poor Stephen Colbert going to do now his two dozen writers are on strike, I refuse run around like Chicken Little until at least tomorrow because I’m just plain tired.
Meanwhile Kass has sent us a disturbing report of how, as if things weren’t bad enough, the Congress has sanctioned some idiotic program to fuck with the weather. But Noudela sent me a clip of Neil Young singing Like A Hurricane which seems appropriate. So now I think I’ll go and become a vegetable. Or maybe have a V8. (Sigh.)
The secret word is Wolf
Pinup donated by Valerie
They've been fucking with the weather since mid '97 at least... look up... them thangs _ain't_ "contrails," don'tcha know... 'twas that model for Dr Strangelove Ed Teller that started it. Right bastard 'e was. They can also steer storms and make earthquakes.
The USAF has stated they want to "own the weather by 2025" but since they're doing it globally, methinks it's likely an even more sinister plot (what else, eh?). The streams contain aluminum, barium and other nasties that assist their ELF communications as well as make and sculpt clouds. It's all very eerie and weird.
First the deer, now this.
No Michael, the young lady in question has nothing to do with me. Please check your sources or make use of the eye test I sent you.
And as someone seems to have nuked my mail system it may be the last pinup I never sent you.
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