Every since Blogger made it possible, I have been including links to what I considered the best music videos I could find on YouTube and elsewhere, and they seem to keep you guys amused, and even simulate some positive feedback as in the recent case of The Monks that everyone seemed to like. But the blog moves on, and it can be hard to scroll back and watch something again, plus there’s also so much more out there than can be posted on Doc40 and still leave time and space for fighting the oppressor, exposing the idiocy, watching science fiction become reality, and all the other fun stuff we seem to enjoy. Accordingly, I sat down and constructed a new parallel page that goes by the name of Doctube that will act as a virtual video jukebox and is now up and running. The regularly updated content will simply be the very best stuff I can find, although some may find it the predictable taste of a antique boho, but what the fuck. It’s something to do in the long winter evenings and some of this stuff is truly amazing.
The secret word is Eclectic
CRYPTIQUE – This ain’t your daughter’s MTV
1 comment:
I still think "Joey" is the coolest of "the video age."
I've never written a really good poem before--here's one. ;)
"Chomsky's Boulder"
Noam Chomsky wrote a Book.
The Book was Wondrous.
And a Woman carried it like a Pebble!
She found an errant Fool--Bolingbroke or some such Idiot.
The Woman is a Goddess, as only children of Anita will know, forevermore.
But the Fool could carry large Weights,
Due to years of Ruskin, and his strange Mountain,
With its Heights in cloudy Coleridge's State-Church of Culture.
The Boy could lift, but his lifting lacked, well,
A certain Lilt of Truth.
For he had Erred Foully.
Long ago, in a Dream he ran
To a Woman who Liked him.
Why, only God knows.
For he did not Love as Love should Love,
But only as a child, who Knows not how to Scream.
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