Saturday, November 03, 2007

“Errors in Doc40 will not be tolerated, and, since they undermine your other arguments, the penalties must, by simple logic, be cruel and unusual.”

But this is definitely Venus In Furs.
(And the pic was definitely sent by Valerie)


Anonymous said...

Off topic here (tho maybe not), but wanted to add to an earlier discussion Some Girl and I had re the religious right this encouraging news (today on Counterpunch) indicating that the evangelicals may be waking up to being screwed by the corporate occupation.

Here's a taste:
"Sunday New York Times Magazine, 'End Times for Evangelicals?' ....explored the profound change as Christian conservatives abandon the Republican party.

"Some evangelical leaders are apparently concerned how closely tied the religious right has become to corporate America."

Here's the link:

A Strange Lad said...

Ooh! Indeed.