“Another dastardly pot pusher meets his well- deserved fate, ay!”
The New York Times reports from Ottawa that the Canadian government is reversing its highly intelligent earlier moves to decriminalize marijuana use. Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced new legal and spending measures against reefer use, cultivation, and distribution. In 2005, when the Canadian Liberal Party was in power, legislation was in the works to eliminate criminal penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana. The bill did not pass Parliament however, before an election in which a majority of Canadians succumbed to the same idiot political narcissism as Americans, and voted Harper and his Bush-friendly Conservatives into power. Needless to say, the bill was never reintroduced.
Harper has now escalated to becoming a total Bush collaborator in the War on Drugs and is mouthing the usual tired horseshit and adopting the faux-macho posture. “For far too long now in Canada, governments have been sending out mixed messages on drugs. Canadians hardly know what the law is anymore.” And to ram home the idiocy that drug use is still illegal, Harper will spend some $64 million on anti-drug campaigns and increased enforcement, including mandatory sentences for dealers and smugglers. The most telling part of the statement, though, was the avowal of “increased coordination with the United States.” A clear signal that Harper is busy cozying up to Bush, the DEA, and the NAFTA bureaucracy, and making sure that Canada does not become the Holland of North America.
(On the subject of NAFTA, though, (even if the segue is kinda loose) former Mexican President Vicente Fox revealed to the media last week that George Bush, the smirking, swaggering cowboy is actually afraid of horses.)
The secret word is Bud
Now where the hell do we escape to?
I vote for Belize and... Holland!
I agree with your thoughts on Harper and his stance on marijuana.
However, I would like to highlight the fact that it was not a majority of Canadians who voted for Harper. The Conservatives currently have a minority government with 124 out of 304 seats in parliament (the smallest minority government ever, if I'm not mistaken). The only reason they are in power now is because the scandal-laden Liberals had to be taught a lesson. I think there are rumblings of another election coming soon, which hopefully would result in a change in power.
If you're right, that is extremely good news.
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