Yes, he even steals lines from Norman Mailer. But commercial motivation needs to be underway, because, even though I try hard to forget it, if I am to survice, I really do have to move books and CDs. (And keep asking myself if I need to get into the Café Press coffee mug business. Comments?) This glowing retrospective of my second solo CD – Vampires Stole My Lunch Money – showed up on the Spending Loud Night website, and made my ego very happy…
"Leader of England's answer to the MC5-- the late, great Deviants, NME contributor, sci-fi novelist-- Mick Farren has had his fingers in a lotta pies over his nearly 40-year career. Sadly, like most of the artists I profile here, his contributions to my beloved rock 'n' roll (did I mention he writes lyrics for Brother Wayne Kramer?) have gone virtually unnoticed for that same nearly four decades. No wonder Mick had been driven to drink by the time of this 1978 recording." (For more)
I believe copies of VSMLM can be obtained from the Bomp Online Store. Just search Mick Farren & The Deviants and there’s a wealth of stuff.
The secret word is Rent
Oh shit! Thanks so much for droppin' by, Mr. Farren! 'Tis indeed a great moment when someone who has helped shape my rock & roll vision stops in.
And hey, kind words are easy to come by when confronted by a GREAT record!
Does self-aggrandizing ever get boring? Why not just have a wearable flashing neon sign made that says "Look at me!"
Anonymous, go fuck yourself.
Haven't yet heard the album, but that's a hell of a beautiful face on the cover.
Although Kass has put far more succinctly, I will admit that an ego can be a terrible burden. But I would guess not as bad as being a bitter, faceless shadow. I mean, why come here if it riles you so?
Yo, anon, you twisted shithead, what you call self agrandisement, the rest of us call free expression, so, like the lovely already Kass said, fuck off.
I'd piss all over anonymous too, but I figure Mick can take care of himself and is probably used to this kind of thing by now.
Mick, Do you want us to kick his ass? As Prince once said, "I wouldn't be in this business if I didn't think I was bad." Oh, and completely off the topic, thanks for the link to Nuzz Prowling Wolf. V.cool site.
Thanks for the offer, but I figure the worst thing to inflict on anonymouse is just to let the motherfucker be. He or she is probably knawing on their own brain anyway. If they resent me they're already in a mess of trouble.
Why come here? Simple, I like Mr. Farren's books. He's always a good writer; occasionally a great writer.
That doesn't mean I don't think he's a self-important dick who's so bloated with his own ego that it's a fucking miracle he doesn't float off into the ether.
Friend. You should see me at 3.00AM when the fear haunts the shadows. I would welcome the ether.
Mick, Not that I know you personally, but you seem like a fine fellow.
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