The last few days have proved somewhat fragmented, to the point that I totally forgot to provide a link to a savage attack in my LA CityBeat media column on the fetid Lou Dobbs.
The secret word is Liar
Mick Farren has personal observations on the horror, the horror.
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Still reporting from the belly of the beast. I still find it hard to believe that of all places in the US, you have chose LA to live in... just don't drink tap-water. that' how they get you.
guess the "Latino Wife" must be the reinforced equivalent of saying "Hey, I've got some black friends!" when someone is accused of being racist.
Herr Blitzer is a bit silk-tie himself too, non?
Yeah, but Blitzer did spend some time in the trenches and still aspires to be a Cronkite rather than TV slime.
Here's a hypothetical situation: if masses of Caucasians suddenly immigrated to Japan, year after year, until suddenly the country was 80-90 percent Caucasian, and only 10-20 percent Asian, then Japan as we know
it would be gone. The land mass would still be there, but without a single shot being fired, the country we knew would cease to exist. We'd change the name to something like Starbucksington or something. That's
the kind of fear people are fearing with illegal immigration. It's out of control, and when California is suddenly the next Columbia, or New Mexico is suddenly the new...Mexico, then not even you will be able to roll your eyes anymore. Culture rules all, not money, or guns, but culture. We've done a good job of maintaining a balanced melting pot, but now a border is broken and that is not a recipe for future civil order.
1. Japan as they knew it in the first half of the 20th century ended when we dropped two atom bombs on it.
2. Culture is a constantly mutating creature. Scots, Irish, and African music cross bred to give is rock & roll. Today we have Latino punk. So?
3. I have trouble distinguishing between civil order and white trash bully-boys.
4. Sir Francis Drake missed the entire San Francisco Bay in the fog and the Spanish got here first. This is not to mention the Aztecs or the Yaqui.
5. We've seen this fucking game played on the Irish, the Chinese, the Italians, the Jews...It was bogus then and now it's both bogus and tired.
Farren, you write better when you're pissed off. Unfortunately you don't type any better.
Oh yeah, I'd also refer jpk3 to the second post on June 21st.
Mick, well fuckin' put.
1. When tragedy happens, you pick up the pieces and move on, like Japan did in response to atom bombs, and America did in response to 9/11. You don't have to militarily defeat a country to end its existence. All you have to do...is turn it into another country.
2. By culture I mean every race brings its own culture to the table. But when one race squeezes out the other, due to massive population increase, then the minority gets scared. And when the minority finds out that people responsible for controlling that aspect of civic life just don't give a shit anymore, then that minority gets pissed. It's called Human Sociology 101, and it's never going to go away.
3. I don't even know where to begin with that one.
4. Same with this one.
5. We've created a country where the ideal is you're not judged by your race, but what kind of person you are. That's the ideal, but we've also bee practical about it. We realize people naturally cling to their own group. So we've controlled how many people come in from any one foreign land. That way they're forced to assimilate and a balance is kept. But when we've decided to let control go out the window, and one group "invades," due to big business and political correctness, then the ideal flies out the window with it.
So no this is not the same problem as the past. In the past, we've had problems with controlling it. Now, we're saying, forget control, how's it help the economy? And just pass a bunch of toothless legislation that doesn't fix anything. Bad idea. You may be able to mess around with the law of man to serve your own motives, but the law of nature just can't be fucked with.
Hey, gringo, it's just the world turning. Get used to it.
I also must confess I don't know what law of nature is being contravened. Or what culture we have to defend -- American Idol? Ann Coulter? KFC? And against what? Tacos? Penelope Cruz? Goya?
Unless your name is Sitting Bull, your all fucking immigrants.
..of course it's fucking racism, would they be making the same comments if it was the Canadians moving south.
You gotta watch out for then Cannucks. A culture of pot-growing, queer communists if ever I saw one.
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