“I’m a bee. Remember me like this”
(via Valerie)
Aeswiren writes….
"I'm beginning to think that Bt toxin in GMO corn has done something to bees that on its own is tolerable, but when added to infestation of Varroa is utterly lethal. Or-- it may be another of these slow building things. The first few generations of Bt toxin affected bees are superficially okay, but then it reaches a critical mass (as it were) and slam, the Queens die, or become infertile, or lose the capacity to produce the powerful pheromones that hold the hive together and that's that. As with so many things in America (and Britain too) these days, this story is too dangerous to investigate. Not seeing any real journalistic work on it, are you? But, of course, if the bees continue to vanish, then US agriculture is gonna crash too. At which point it will be very interesting to see how they present the story--- will it just shift quickly to food riots-- with footage of folks being unpleasant a la New Orleans-- and no mention whatsoever of GMO corn or other crops? Or will some media mouse dare to actually bell the cat, and ask the dangerous questions?” For more
Isn't this bee thing done to death?
Done to death? Not even close.
You act like it's a fad. Unless we figure it out (presuming it's not too late), it'll be done to death when we are -- it's that important.
Do some reading. You could start with Mick's summary in the LA City Beat.
Something to think of, that the world could end by such quiet, subtle means.
Thanks Kass, Couldn't have said it better.
Couldn't have spewed up better faggot-liberal-chicken-little paranoia you mean.
You are swine with no name. Leave our space. Now.
Anonymous (of course),
I recommend instant and total immersion in the loving arms of a giant snapdragon.
Good idea Valerie,
Anon appears decidedly short on love.
LA Times story
A fungus that caused widespread loss of bee colonies in Europe and Asia may be playing a crucial role in the mysterious phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder that is wiping out bees across the United
States, UC San Francisco researchers said Wednesday.
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