As many of you may already know and some may have surmised, I have this attraction to rayguns. About the same time as I was learning to crawl (or possibly shoplift) the first rayguns started coming on the market – Flash Gordon/Dan Dare numbers made from pressed tin or plastic, either cap or squirt guns, or with sparking friction mechanisms. One of my proudest artifacts is a raygun from the TV series Galaxy Rangers that both HCB and I (and also aeswiren) all scripted. Thus HCB knew what he was doing when he beamed over this link to Dr. Grorbort’s Rayguns, which have to be finest rayguns in the known world. He must also have also known the frustration he was creating with even Dr. Grorbort’s Manmelter priced at around fifteen hundred bucks.
Speaking of the rayguns of the future, I heard recently of a prototype laser that is being developed that can shoot around corners. Fun, huh? (I have no links or documentation for this, so it's likely to be random gossip, but I thought you might be interested.)
fifteen hundred bucks for a raygun that doesn't even WORK? man, barnum really was right!
i think i saw that episode of "futureweapons" too, philosohoe. although come to think of it, maybe that was just a regular ol' gun....
Ladies, the raygun doesn't need to work. It just needs to be there, and appeal to the infantile sliver of the male brain (well, mine at least) that is forever Flash Gordon. And really wants one!
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