Friday, July 20, 2012


I imagine the academics will soon be on TV with a whole slew of spurious theories and explanations. Right now, I wouldn’t hazard a guess at the reality of the madness, except to note that Aurora and Columbine are both suburbs of Denver,

The secret word is Insanity 


Johnny Haddo said...

if ya put guns in the hands of children, can ya blame James Holmes..??

r nielsen said...

the right wing media is saying Holmes was in the occupy movement

420 said...

24 yrs old is a child now?

Johnny Haddo said...

Oi mouth-piece ..only knobheads & amerikans have a need for guns..does that include u..??
tell me you're not a prick _

420 said...

so then anyone who disagrees with you deserves verbal abuse, just pointing out the nutball was a full grown man blaming the gun instead of the nutball doesn't make much sense to me

by the by we need guns in America because we're citizens not subjects

Anonymous said...

The mixed economy model initiates force against individuals to take what it wants in order to fund its so-called "noble" deeds. There is no place on the globe where an individual can escape the mixed economy model. Therefore every individual is indoctrinated by force. Until the initiation of force ceases, (that is the mixed economy model is abandoned as obsolete), violent acts will define the human species. The solution is only found at the individual level, as the ego is always dysfunctional and collective action merely intensifies the initiation of force against individuals (within the mixed economy model). Technology as catalyst facilitates banks to replace military outposts, and information to replace sword. Nations fall and the herd stares with boredom at the headlines. With pain levels rising and individual rights falling, the myth of government as angelic entity to serve the herd evaporates. Then the ego-crazed herds will move in unison and commit unspeakable acts with fire, tooth and claw, as they have never truly recognized interconnectedness. Since birth, they have been commanded to share the initiation of force.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

stu said...

An intelligent young man with severe mental illness ran amok with guns & other weapons & killed dozens of innocent people.i feel so sorry for all who will be affected by this.anon,wtf are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

stu -

Thank you for your inquiry.

Civilization is largely insane.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

stu said...

grow up.

Johnny Haddo said...

why do most Amerikanns talk outta their 'back-door'..??
the need for guns arises from the fact you stole the land from the Native Americans in the fist called guilt u fuckers.
btw; enjoy your day.. it's made in China...hahaHa

Nuzz Prowlin' Wolf said...

Life imitates art and ends in death!

MTL said...

Guns don't kill people, but they make it a hell of a lot easier.

420 said...

anyone else get the feeling JoHnny is a bit insecure? feels the need to dump on others? interesting how ubiquitous people like him are on the internet

Mick said...

Jump to 14!

Johnny Haddo said...

Oi're about as bright as a dead light bulb..hahaHa
I'll sit this side of 'The Pond' & watch ya slowly slide into the then it will be too late to say..'Oh we fucked up!'

Khourma said...
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Khourma said...

"The horror! The horror!..."

That's what they want their people live in

peterrocker said...

Chalk up another to the NRA & the Government who spend diddly squat on Mental Health