Friday, May 20, 2011


So The Rapture is scheduled for tomorrow at 6.00pm (all time zones) and, while hugely enjoying the prospect, I’m just biding my time for the moment and going about my pagan business. The fun can start after the Christians are out of here.

Click here for Jim and Debbie

The secret word is Glee


Aleleeinn said...

Wearing my Skull & Crossbones T-shirt with "Sinners" written on it. I don't want to be accidently raptured with all those "Christians".
I find the media a sorry excuse for information. They have reprinted all this shit and given no or damned little attention to the christians who say this is all crap and that, as I have pointed out elsewhere, "No man knows the day or the hour of my coming" is the operative quote here.
But I would be quite pleased to have God remove these idiots from the planet, like one of those days where you take your toxic waste to the recycling station, and they take it with no charge and no questions.
Might get some work done on William Blake's new Jerusalem.

Khourma said...
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Khourma said...

sadly there will be a tsunami of Stupidity again :(

stu said...

But ..but...i've maxed out my credit cards.

Mr Kite said...

Wish I'd thought of this...

M. Bouffant said...

What, the dead who are raptured are clothed?

M. Bouffant said...
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Ken Mac said...

i am a born again, and proud of it. but this made me laugh.