Wednesday, August 12, 2009


(From Ray on Facebook)


The Steampunk said...

awwww.... wookit da widdew cutey wootey baby-wabey smoochy-woochy sweetums yeetums eeschums chkreeeshumss sekhekhteschkh mbavfth oothsbeschth chyacchka a'chyacchka maggahaadvedeschth!
Oogrechht! Sadvadchaashth oogrechht!
Ioch! Ioch! Cthulu Ve Daagon!

*Ahem* Um, I mean, what a beautiful child you have! And such a firm grip... Just to think, one day his daddy'll be president of these here you-nited states! (I mean, c'mon, why vote for a lesser evil?)

The Steampunk said...

I suppose I could have as easily made a comment about Mick's questionable paternity, but that just seemed too easy...

Mick said...

Paternity? You don't know the half of it.

The Steampunk said...

so that was either an innocent play on words, a zen koan, or the eeriest, most genuinely unsettling thing I've ever seen you write...
[...and I've read your early stuff...]
Any comment?

Mick said...

Like John Lee Hooker once remarked -- don't start me talking.

The Steampunk said...

Wow, sure hope you didn't have it THAT rough.
Perhaps some time over a single-malt, then...(since that's what I'd have said to him, more than likely)