Friday, October 03, 2008


Of course I’m disappointed that Gov. Perky didn’t fall off her high heels during last night’s VP debate and exit the political stage forever, but this chart from Andrew Sullivan in The Atlantic (thanks AK) says it all. It’s more concise and to the point than any morning-after comment I can right now conceive, except that I’ve learned that the word “folksy” has been redefined as "nasty, incurious, ignorant hick."

The secret word is Rearguard


Anonymous said...

I just realized that Palin is right about her experience.

She's been governor of Alaska for 2 years. Huge state.

Biden has been 1 of 2 senators of Delaware, a small state, for 26 years or so. terms of square miles / year, they've basically got the same experience?

At least that's how those mavericks up there in Alaska figure things I reckon.

Anonymous said...

If I hear the word 'maverick' in that idiot rural accent again measures may turn drastic.

Gerin said...

I was working whole summer with tourists. Lot of them were Americans... and a big share of them like that 'grenouille' Palin.
So, where's the problem?