Friday, September 15, 2006

Because I for one have had more then enough of this week, what with all the unseemly Sept 11th clamor, our incoherent President all over the media selling his bloody war, the same media drooling over Debra Lafave, no more Deadwood, my own constant craving for nicotine, an importunate feline, the fact that I am neither making love nor expecting rain, plus a bunch of other nasty interior phantasms that bedevil my mind, but are far too personal and maybe revealing to describe. On the plus side, I have obtained a copy of ol’ Bob Dylan’s new blues record and like it a whole lot, but that’s not a great deal to make up for the rest of the shit.

In would also draw regular readers attention to the old comments board up on the right ("comments (977)" just above the crow logo) which seems sadly neglected. Okay so it’s cranky, ancient, and hard to scroll, slow to load – but who isn’t these days, dahling. It used to be a lot of fun and I’d sure like to see it make it to 1000.

Among my peers, the lovely Natalie Nichols has a column in LA CityBeat that is both witty and thought provoking, although some of the boys don’t get the joke...

And inebriate, occasional Deviant and former Texas Jewboy Michael Simmons has started writing for HuffPo...

The cats in the picture came from (sent by some girl)

And the secret word is (now nostalgically) Cocksucker


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cheer up, Mickey. Ray Sharpe's "Linda Lu" is honking on KCSN 88.5 right this minute (2:17 am). Killer station by the way and - somehow - I'm just able to get it. I hope you can get it to.