Kinda hard for us Brits to share the July 4th fireworks. I
was our ass you kicked out.
“We refer to "the mainstream" meaning MSM – but
that is a term we all need to stop using. To refer to THE CORPORATE MEDIA as
"the mainstream media" is to imply that the alternative is
"fringe". Corporate media dominate the airwaves and many newspapers,
thus they still dominate public opinion--but even in the US, people are
increasingly turning to the internet where there is a much wider spectrum. The
economic power of corporations gives them all kinds of political power--we need
not give them legitimacy as well by calling their media outlets
"mainstream." This story is a fine example of how extreme the
supposed "mainstream" is--everyone is in agreement that a
whistleblower who exposed massive government surveillance of essentially
everybody, is a "traitor", really? While corruption is rampant
throughout government, banksters go unpunished for obvious massive fraud and a
guy who scrawled messages on sidewalk in front of Bank of America branches in
San Diego is beginning a trial today, facing years in prison and his lawyer is
not allowed to mention the First Amendment?
The secret
word used to be Liberty