Bowed under the weight of a never-ending and increasing nonsensical election process, and the Dems, with every advantage known to politics, seemingly taking careful aim at their own right foot with this super delegate bullshit, I felt myself presented with the alternatives of either hiding under the bed, of turning my attention to something completely different. Thus, in this week’s LA CityBeat, my column takes a look at the End Time paranoia that is slowly but surely building around the date December 21st, 2112, with particular attention to the predictions of the Mayan calendar and the Time Wave Zero theory of the late Terence McKenna. You could click to read the piece, but you don’t get a lot of detail in less than 700 words, so you could click again to watch McKenna explain.
The secret word is Nothing.
Then, for a total change of pace, you could just watch this Spanish lesson posted without comment except that it’s hilarious and was sent by Valerie. (Less serious click.)
The secret word is Nothing.
Then, for a total change of pace, you could just watch this Spanish lesson posted without comment except that it’s hilarious and was sent by Valerie. (Less serious click.)