Although I posted a comment yesterday complaining about the use of my immortal catchphrase, "Here I come to save the day!" in the content of a giant rabbit, I have received neither the apology nor acknowledgement I feel I feel I am more than due. And do not believe this is merely a matter of Hollywood ego. The President of the United States is clearly insane, beyond all constitutional control, and intends to start as many as three more gratuitous new wars at the same time to ensure his dubious place in history. At the same time, the planet itself would appear to be gearing up to rid itself of the irritant of humanity. At such a perilous juncture I feel it is crucial that America and the rest of the world to be absolutely certain and harbor no lingering doubts as to which superhero rodent is going to come to save the day. (And let’s not rehash that business with Andy Kaufman and the gramophone. I mean, that was soooo 20th century.)
The sole and original,
Mighty Mouse
The secret word is Lettuce