Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I have been giving a good deal of though of late to my future use of the internet. Times a’ change, and in my own neo-retro pipe-and Jack-Daniels manner I try to keep up with them and lend a hand when I can. Before, however, I fall to rumination, I first owe a lot of people an apology (and not for the fishnet lady with the rifle on Facebook that seems to have upset some folks.) For years now I never responded to invitations to join Linked-In or similar social and contact networks and now we have Google Plus that I have yet to understand except it seems to want us to form circles. I don’t respond because, quite a while ago I had made a firm decision to limit my use of the internet to Doc40, my long running blog and my Facebook page. For a long time, they worked in tandem but lately I’ve been finding that, on the short attention level, so much more can be done in an instant on FB. It’s simply faster and more flexible and it’s netted in with just about everything else and saves me hours of cutting and pasting and converting bloody fonts and taking care of the all the little glitches to which Blogger is heir. A part of me says fold up Doc40 and dance solo on FB. And then I look up to the top of this blogpost. Am I going to risk toppling the edifice by trying to post the steam punk fucking machine on Facebook. I don’t think so. Also my FB page is full I’m limited to 5000 and that’s seem very unfair, red rope, one-out one-in elitism. So Doc40 must stay, but maybe with a newly evolving role. While still carrying The Frozdicks, Marilyn, Gratuitous, the Paperback Classics, Space Opera, and The Secret Word, we become more surreal and (in a word) deviant. Doc40 already slapped a Content Warning on it. We’ve been branded offensive so let’s get down-home old-timey offensive. Facebook gets the urgent links and stuff like the kettle that looks like Hitler, and down here in the blog we get dark, degenerate, and maybe dangerous. Deal?

Click herefor the Deviants a couple of nights ago. (My vanity thinks I look lousy.)

The secret word is Gynandromorphophilie


Your driver said...

We need both. Keep Doc. 40

Your driver said...

I don't know if you could get away with the photo of the people fleeing the airplane on Facebook. I love that picture.

chim said...

Yeah, man.

Mick said...

Yeah I love that picture. That's why Doc40 stays.

Your driver said...


Anonymous said...

You could make a fan page on facebook so I can like it.. and see the pics and stuff. I made one for my kitty cat Yuki Love. ..

Anonymous said...

or maybe you have and i just found it. oops. should have checked first.

Goozer Jones said...

There are ugly, ugly things happening in southern Oregon where I live (check out The Agitator site for info). I need Doc 40 to remind me there is hope after God and (police)Man have failed. Now Asian Cheerleaders please.

jago said...

down and dirty and degenerate suits me just fine

Unknown said...

Keep Doc 40. Please.

Anonymous said...

please keep doc 40 alive. i think i don't need to tell you about google, facebook and other "social" media, where people tend to tell every little secret they wouldn't do in personal talk. and big brother is sitting smiling in the middle of that virtual spiderweb.
so that's the reason why a lot of people i know- incl. myself- will never join stuff like facebook and don't even use google as a search engine...

Karlos Fandango said...

Another vote for keeping Doc 40 - Facebook is too open and this blog filters out the extraneous crap! :)

Karlos Fandango said...

Great sound on the vid - you're getting to be a pretty tight outfit (careful now...)

Mick said...

We ain't pretty any more so we might as well play good.

x_S said...

Mick, you keep doc40 & do what you do here & keep it mostly separate from what you're doing on facebook unless you want to post on facebook about something going on with doc40. Facebook is best for shameless self promotion & things of that nature, but only so long as you keep posting pics of cute kitties & funny ecards or people will unfollow/unlike.

To differentiate between facebook & blogger it's ultimately about those arbitrary limitations... There are character limits on facebook, as in, over 4000 letters, numbers, symbols & spaces & you can't post. If you've got something to really say, you go to blogger & if you just want to talk with people, you go to facebook.

Again, start a facebook page as a public figure. It won't have any limits on how many people can follow/subscribe/like. The way most people go about that process is they start the new public figure page & then begin spamming their active facebook profile with notices of the new public figure page & the imminent deletion of the active profile so the people on their friends list can like the public figure page & follow, etc. Then delete the old profile.

Anonymous said...

Drop Facebook - it's obvious! It's just a corporate slavepit anyway. Doc has to stay.

Kind regards


mtl said...

Keep doc40
I have not, and will never use Facebook. Does that make me more paranoid than you?

Mick said...

Nah, it just makes me more reckless.

Unknown said...

I feel more offended already.

Mick said...

That's the general intent.

Paulo Rodrigues said...

Just been on your facebook page and it wont let me comment on your posts.presumably there is some setting you would need to change. But more bizarre is they want me to pay 71p to send a message direct to your inbox. The royal mail cant compete with those crazy prices.

Mick said...

I really have no idea why this should be. Tell me what to do and I'll do it.

Paulo Rodrigues said...

Hi Mick, you can find out more about the the "Other Folder" from this web page.

If you look at your messages you should see "Other" next to inbox. This will have the messages I sent you last night

This might help with allowing comments from non-friends

You should be able to let everyone comment