Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Our pal Wendy drew my attention to this. It’s modern music but I think I like it. You may too. Click here.


hcb said...

modern? Post-mod Gene Vincent, maybe.

Mick said...

Then let's hear it for post-mod Gene Vincent!

some girl said...

alison mosshart rules. she's the one i went to london to interview in 2005 -- so, indirectly responsible for me getting to meet boss, etc. you might also like her other band, the kills.

oh, right. jack white is in this band too.

Lyle Hopwood said...

Saw them live in LA last month and they blew me away. (Not literally; though from other videos I suspect they have the firepower to do that.) I haven't been this stirred up by a band in years. Well worth a listen. Anyone is welcome to contact me/read my blog for boots and info.

I like The Kills too, but TDW outranks them in a number of ways.

Odd Jeppesen said...

Oh, yeah, I know I like it.