“Former boomtown Dubai has suffered a sharp downturn in its property market, where prices could fall almost 40 percent this year according to a Reuters poll this week. Standard and Poor's has said Dubai's economy could shrink 2-4 percent in 2009.”
Is it unfair to feel a measure of pleasure at the news that the formerly untouchable Emerald City of the Gulf oil sheiks and their corporate henchmen is suffering – at least in some degree – the pain and uncertainty that currently afflicts the rest of us? Hell no. I’m only human. I need something to mitigate my anger and discomfort after I leaned earlier that George W(TF?) Bush has been given a $7 million advance for a book by Random House, while serious and talented writers can hardly get themselves arrested as the corporate world destroys both journalism and literature.
I had to google "Standard & Poor's" and it really IS the name of "the world foremost provider of independant credit ratings". I'm off to live in cave and eat bark - the world's gotten just too wierd for me.
Roldo, I'll gladly take all of your material possessions and monetary wealth if you're heading off for the hermit's life... no debt though, fuck that shit, you can keep it.
Man, Dubai, that infernal city built on slavery (one of many, to be sure) can't be swallowed by the sands fast enough if you ask me.
WV: cablegas
Amen to that.
WV = sness
The thought of Dubai in ruins gladdens my heart.
WV is pulicrat. What is a pulocracy?
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