Saturday, February 13, 2010


“He’s always like this on the thirteenth of the month.”

A couple of days ago, I ran a lengthy quote from Howard Beale – the Mad Prophet of the Airwaves in the movie Network, and rather reopened the debate on decentralization and disengagement from totalitarian corporate capitalism. One anonymous poster suggested, “we don't need to buy HDTV. Or cable. We can wear used clothes. And barter for books. And get food from a local farmer co-ops. We can keep everything within our own communities. Even if that means moving from cities to smaller towns where land is more plentiful.” For my part, I harbor grave misgivings about the whole business of rural retreat. I firmly believe that radical change cannot be achieved without mass confrontation of some kind, be it in the style of Gandhi, or armed-and-Bolshevik dangerous. I also worry that the power structure has been long schooled in how to deal with radical rural communes or communities all the way from the crushing of the Levelers and the Diggers in 17th century England, through to Jonestown and the Branch Davidians at Waco.
I also cannot subscribe to any revolution that cannot hold on to the technology. Science is not a luxury. It is humanity at its most noble. We stand on the threshold of wherever String Theory might lead, and the Singularity may only be a quarter-century away. Since I am not about to give that up (should I live so long) for digging carrots out of the dirt, can anyone educate me? How do the rebels seize an ISP? Classic Guevara-style guerrillas always seized the radio station early in the taking of the city. It’s the same tactic written more high-tech. This is the overcrowded 21st century and our solutions may not only have to be more drastic, but also far more complex.
And while I was still frowning over those conundrums, someone calling himself Man mounted something that felt close to a Stalinist blitzkrieg. Demanding to know “are these songs supposed to be ironic? They are all from the sixties and all more proof that pretty much whatever posture someone from that era assumed, they and their fans will do otherwise.” Fans? Does that mean you? Man then went on describe “artists and revolutionaries” as “grotesque reality of nightmares past” and I was grimly instructed to leave “the pics of dead blonds to the wanker caste and focus entirely on practical solutions.” And if that wasn’t enough, even my good pal HCB weighed in on the 1960s with “we've been picking over the bones of the golden age for an awfully long time.”
Initially I was furious and banged my curmudgeon fist on the keyboard, declaring angrily that it was my blog and I’d post what I damn well liked, motherfuckers, but, later, contrition set in. Yes, my friends, I now freely admit my moribund guilt. I found Elvis in the 1950s and made my anarchic bones in the 1960s, a wonderful time when stoned girls danced on my stage, semi-naked, until ushered off by the Hells Angels. (See above.) It was a lot if fun in that scant five minutes between the Pill and AIDS, and much of what goes up on Doc40 is intended as a history lesson, or just an old timer telling tales of the velvet trenches. But there’s also more to it than just geriatric nostalgia. The complained-of Marilyn Monroe is the perfect example.
An image of Marilyn has the resonance of a multi-faceted, 20th century fertility icon, and lends itself to a wide spectrum of symbolism and artistic exploitation. The reason I use her has nothing to do with wanker masturbation. It is because – even after more than half a century – there is nothing with equal cognitive impact. You simply do not achieve the same effect with Scarlett Johansson or Miley Cyrus. If you don’t believe me, just try it. It’s same with the music I post. Sure, a lot of it is from the 1950/60/70s, (and a lot isn’t) but that’s not only because it’s the music I know and love. Much of it simply hasn’t been superseded by any new and more powerful rock & roll malcontent anthems.
When Man demands that I “focus entirely on practical solutions” I can only responded why me? I’ve been walking point on my fraction of this adventure since Jack Kennedy was shot. Where are your plans, Man? Where are your practical solutions? Can I look them up on line, or do I need to buy the book? When are you young people going to put down your fancy phones for long enough to surprise the old man with something new and uniquely dangerous? I becoming a little bored with the waiting.

And, talking of anthems, click here for The (ironic) Ramones

The secret word is Venerable


  1. Pepsi7:28 PM

    They really pissed you off, didn't they?

  2. I don't agree with rural retreat either. Marching backward never accomplished anything but taking you somewhere you've already been. Go forward, young man.

  3. Dammit, Doc, you tell 'em.

    Take no crap from ignoramuses.

  4. Anonymous8:57 PM

    I always liked to say it as simple as "If you don't like it then fuck off, nobody is forcing you to pull up anything & read, listen or watch... Go make something better rather than play the fucking critic."

  5. People would rather goto stuff like Burning Man and play in dreamland than work for real change. Real change is hard. Partying and claiming it's spiritual awaking is easy.

  6. For what it's worth, some estimates place the singularity within a decade (I've heard as early as 2017). Of course, by their very nature, singularity events are impossible to predict...

  7. UK Steve2:55 AM

    So glad you're still ranting...

    I've often wondered how we'd all have fared had the internet been around in the old IT days.

    Sure, we'd have had access to all that extra information but I'm glad we only had the technology then available, primitive thought it may have been - those days of IBM golfballs and Cow gum were something special. And how the hell would we have been able to street-sell a blog? We'd have starved...

    UK Steve

  8. Rousing applause.

    That's all.

  9. Never apologize. Or explain.

    Verification: dedinoph

  10. And what comes after Singularity ....the ice age?

  11. "Man"s complaints have too much of the "why aren't you like me!" for my tastes. What the particular fuck is wrong with diversity? Some want to retreat to the rurals, others make their stand in the belly of the beast and I can't see it as anything but counter-productive to snipe and bitch about individual choices.Seems t' me that its the combined effect that'll be the most effective.

  12. Right. Ass-kissing contest over?


    Actually, I'm not "anonymous poster." I'm Matt. Sexy Sadie, too. And sometimes Quartermass. (Not "Man," though.)

    Mick, definitely sorry if you felt insulted. Or pissed off.

    Here's a bit more of my single comment as Matt.

    "...when everyone stops buying from Amazon and Walmart and cancels their Comcast? We starve out Mammon at the Mall of America. And the corporations are forced to either change for the better or they're gone.

    And if they're gone, we've created a vacuum. A void. Holes to be filled by decentralized businesses started up by local entrepreneurs. By someones like you or me."

    This is decentralization. Which, rationally, doesn't preclude moving to a "hippie commune" or an "ice age" or "Burning Man." ;-)

    None of these histrionic responses were ever mentioned until you folks brought 'em up.

    Though I stand behind my comment that people may want to move to smaller towns where land is more plentiful. And housing cheaper. I did. A small city with farmland around it. I get 90% of food from local growers.

    (Or do you assume we'll have cheap, limitless gas forever?)

    And speaking of technology, our IT comes from a local company with local storage - all run on wind. How do you think I'm commenting here. Carrier Pigeons?

    (psst... All this falls under "doing something" and "moving forward, young man.")

    "Uh... Waita minnit now. So yore sayin' that we kin still have teknologie even if we dont buy into this hole Walmart globul corprate vishion?" (Whoa... You mean...we don't automatically become the 13th Century or Burning Man?)

    [shakes head]

    In all fairness, no matter how media-addled our brains have become by the constant streams of corporate news, Bill O'Reilly, and the Rand Corporation, the corporate future is not our future. And just because we don't accept their terms doesn't mean we magically revert back to the dark ages. Ha!

    That's their argument. And, sadly, that seems to be your argument. For now, anyway. Slippery claims of very intelligent and talented people who are no doubt otherwise free thinkers. Yet who fought to be the first jumper to this same conclusion.

    So what now? You may live in LA. Or Detroit. And your communities may not be at the same sustainable place. Yet. But it will be. Money is power. Maybe if we buy a few less HDTVs and blu-rays and invest in our local community. And barter. Cash instead of a credit card. This is still part of "doing."

    Then by keeping the majority of our money local and work in our own community? The faster we all starve Mammon. And the more we divert significant financial power from the globals back into our own communities. Which gives us back our power and voice again.

    This movement is not perfect. In fact, it's a fluid entity being discussed and shaped as we speak by the counterculture out there making it happen - while some of us wait for a press release from MSNBC.

    But it's way more fun. Mick, you were an anarchist biker from the 70s. All of us can emulate your spirt. Close up laptops. Get to know our neighbors. Raise a glass. Help open their business & ask them to help us open ours. Money and Community are power.

    Or...don't. Do what ya want. Like Roldo says, it's all up to the individual.

    So yes... Beat on the brat. Bang your chest. It's a free country (kinda).

    This is just discourse. Sharing of ideas. Debate. No more. No less. Steam of consciousness without editing. Nothing personal. Certainly not a spark for an ass-kissing contest headed up by unironic Bushisms such as "never apologize, never explain."

    And folks can either choose to clash over intellectual ideas - or place themselves up on a pedestal in the cult of celebrity.

    Speaking of... Autograph brigade? On your knees, boys. It's probably time again.

  13. I should point out, for the sake of clarity, that I didn't exactly say "up to the individual" except in the sense of suggesting we accept the varied preferences of others in opposing a common enemy.
    wv is 'grabin'

  14. Triskaidekaphobia intervention.

  15. Anonymous12:28 AM

    "We don't keep the tech & social infrastructures instead of adapting & modifying them, we break off into small groups & abandon our centralization around resources... we'll end up as slave labor & test subjects. They have the guns, but we have the numbers... but we won't if we decentralise & they will."

    I stand by my comments... I don't care how resourceful & progressive the small community is. It is at a distinct disadvantage due to both the isolation & size of it's community. If the shit hits the fan, there aren't enough people to fight back & protect what they have built & worked for, let alone themselves. Tyrants trample these locations & they tend to get caught in the cross-fire of revolution, especially when they are self-sustainable.

    I can admit that I was condescending & rude, though, I am Anonymous after all. Who's even thinking about it? Why is what Anonymous says valid? Can words actually speak for themselves? Or must they be attached to an individual?

    To continue to comment it appears you felt the need to associate with what was at least a more recognisable alias...

    Meanwhile, without a name, no one dares question my integrity as an absolute unknown.

    Who is Anonymous?

    Why is Anonymous posting?

    Where is Anonymous?

    Nobody cares... Anonymous is typically treated with indifference & is generally dismissed as either a joke, an asshole, or a freak too far gone to be taken seriously.

    Perhaps I'm a fed, maybe this is just an experiment in causing factions to splinter and supplying cognitive diversity into a social group... not that anybody would ever believe a thing like that... but just look at it, Matt, err, Tanya... Did Anonymous manage to fragment & direct the conversation with a bit of sarcasm & aggressive comments? What did you expect vs what you received?

    What of the rest of you?

    Can Anonymous be trusted?

  16. Diamond Jim1:23 AM

    Oh yes, I love a good mindfuck.

  17. Anonymous' Father6:03 AM

    Anonymous, back to your homework... Sorry for his trolling, folks.

  18. Anonymous7:19 AM

    That's it, just keep doing what you're doing, keep treating it indifferently, it's just a joke, Anonymous is just some asshole... just some troll.

    Or maybe a freak too far gone to be taken seriously...

    Experimentation with the superconciousness of a relatively small & isolated, yet, radical social group couldn't possibly take place here... just take my word for it.

    WV = belate

  19. Pepsi4:23 PM

    Yes dear, I'll take your word for it.
