Saturday, February 13, 2010


Some dire crap has been corporately foisted on the youth culture down the years. Some of you may remember Pop Rocks, or Squirt Gum, or Screaming Yellow Zonkers. K Rave may well be right in there with the worst of them. The story comes from

“The other day we got sent some cereal. Attached was a press release so bizarre and pretentious we can only assume that Kellogg’s are embracing some new trend of reverse-psychology PR and are secretly hoping we’ll take the piss out of it, and that it would go viral and become some edible version of The Room for post-ironic 20somethings. Well, OK Kellogg’s, you win. We’re writing about the only cereal that “surfs the youth culture wave.” Unfortunately, after extensive product-testing we’ve discovered that K Rave tastes like shit and it inflamed our intern’s IBS. So, no one buy it, just click through and read the press release, then forget it even exists. It’s worth noting that this ketamine-themed cereal also boasts the unabashedly rapely slogan “Dare to unleash the predator in you!” and the box is covered in sperm.”

1 comment:

  1. Nige Fisher5:26 AM

    Damn! I bought a box because it was cheap at the local supermarket. Obviously that was before I saw your posting. Will scoff at breakfast tomorrow and report back. I did notice that the box is covered in spem though.................
