Friday, July 03, 2009


My response to the news was one of profane bafflement. Palin is resigning as Governor of Alaska? Say what? If anything, it was even weirder than the announcement that she was running for VP. Does she really think that for the next three years, she can bounce around the planet – without any tangible powerbase – and wind up being elected president of what would have to be a totally insane superpower in 2012?
The timing of this move is deeply odd all on it’s own. Dropping this bizarre bomb on the Friday before a national holiday, when the majority of the media are heading for the beach, the golf course, or firing up the charcoal is strange in the extreme. MSNBC had basically shut down, a skeleton CNN was focused on Michael Jackson, and who the hell knew what was going on at Fox? The Friday bombshell is usually a political tactic that’s employed when some major, career-threatening scandal is about to break, and it’s used in the vain hope of softening the shit/fan impact before Monday comes around.
Could a Palin super-scandal be up the line? It’s infinitely possible. As Todd S. Purdum wrote in Vanity Fair – “Palin is unlike any other national figure in modern American life – neither Anna Nicole Smith nor Margaret Chase Smith but a phenomenon all her own. The clouds of tabloid conflict and controversy that swirl around her and her extended clan—the surprise pregnancies, the two-bit blood feuds, the tawdry in-laws and common-law kin caught selling drugs or poaching game—give her family a singular status in the rogues’ gallery of political relatives. By comparison, Billy Carter, Donald Nixon, and Roger Clinton seem like avatars of circumspection. Palin’s life has sometimes played out like an unholy amalgam of Desperate Housewives and Northern Exposure.”
In the meantime, the nation can only wait and barbeque while the madness of the Republican Party becomes close to hallucinatory.

(If you want to read the Vanity Fair piece, click here. For video of the bizarre Palin doubletalk, click here.)

The secret word is Curiouser


  1. aaron8:00 PM

    I wonder if this is what it felt like to be in Rome before the fall...

  2. Funny you should say that...

  3. A Face In The Crowd12:27 AM

    Of course it is. Except, by that point, most of the population is feeling nothing at all.

  4. perhaps this might explain it.

  5. Anonymous8:52 PM

    At least they were feeding christians to the lions over there... What do we have? South Park & the internet?

    I'd probably rather see christians being eaten by lions...

  6. The bitch is doing it for the money. Just watch her shovel up the book and TV offers.

    WV = emoopseu

  7. Yeah, what Pepsi said. Shovel being the key word.

  8. Emma Goldman1:36 AM

    Insiders claim that Palin suffers from narcissistic personality disorder’ -- described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as ‘a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy.’
