Sunday, November 16, 2008


In which Marilyn, stranded by the total inefficiency of Post-Apocalypse Airlines and missing her shoes, finds herself confined in the backroom of the Happy Skull Casino and Roadhouse, guarded by two very stupid deputy sheriffs from Parsec 19347494738/W – also know as the Exceptionally Dumb Dimension – that has an economy based on implausibly fixed gambling and ancient pork, and a political structure of down-home, beer-drunk fascism. Knowing this is not a happy situation, and these hick cops are wholly unaware of her Goddess Status, she employs the only tactical alternative left in her arsenal. She ignores them in the hope that they will vanish.

1 comment:

  1. They're not going to go away,they make no money and here's a free show,they're checking out her bullet bra.
    Look at their eyes and follow the lines,where do they go?
    What do you suppose they're talking about? The weather?

    word verification: petzs
